Environmental Drilling Services
Coring and Sampling
We provide several methods of retrieving samples and cores. Our drills are all late model, well-maintained air/mud rotary units. We are skilled in sampling with steel, carbide or diamond core barrels, Shelby tubes and various other tools. We can provide Standard Penetration Testing blow counts on split spoons with or without brass or clear liners and through stem soil sampling. We have experience with installation of piezo-monitor wells through large capacity stainless steel monitor-recovery wells as well as multi-wall monitor wells and multi-string soil gas vapor wells.
We provide state of the art bailing units, purge and development equipment. Straub Corporation has experience with hydrofracing, jetting, surge blocking, vapor extraction, air sparg, dual phase equipment and well redevelopment. We have submersible pump rentals as well as generators, steam cleaning units, backhoes, and large capacity air compressors.
Geoprobe Services
Straub Corporation provides Geoprobe services utilizing a 5400 Geoprobe mounted on a one-ton truck. We have been successful with micro-core sampling, hydro-punch water sampling, and soil gas sampling.
Plugging and Abandonment
Straub Corporation provides plugging and abandoning services for monitor wells, municipal water wells, domestic water wells, irrigation water wells and soil borings. We have state of the art plugging equipment. Please look in the equipment showcase to view our plugging equipment.
Heavy Equipment
Straub Corporation offers heavy equipment services. We provide bulldozer services with a D6C Caterpillar bulldozer, backhoe services with a 310 SK and 410B John Deere backhoes and Bobcat S185 steerskid loader for support around the drill site.
Innovative Technologies
Straub Corporation has been a part of the environmental field for many years. As a result of this experience, we have developed technologies to assist our clients in their evaluation and recovery processes. For more information, call one of our representatives.
In-Situ Remediation Services
Straub Corporation is skilled in the application of In-Situ Remediation products, including Metals Remediation Compound (MRC™) produced and distributed by Regenesis.