Straub Corporation realizes the importance of education, especially a strong emphasis in language arts, mathematics, and science. We also realize the fiscal constraints of providing the necessary and required elements for all areas of education. As a result, sometimes, sacrifices have to be made on necessary but perhaps more extravagant equipment. With a desire to help provide our future young scientists with the tools they need to succeed, we at Straub Corporation would like to present the Stanton Independent School District, Department of Sciences, this new AmScope 40X-1600X Clinical Laboratory Trinocular Microscope with reference slides.
It is our desire that our educators in the Stanton Independent School District, grades K-8 will be able to utilize this equipment in their presentation of materials. We hope that it will aid educators in helping students to meet and exceed the new rigorous state curriculum guidelines and testing criteria, specifically in the sciences in elementary and junior high in Texas.
We appreciate the teaching enthusiasm of Mrs. Charise VanCuren, who originally brought to our attention the need for advanced scientific equipment in the elementary and junior high classrooms.
Thank you,
Raymond L Straub Jr., P.G.
Raymond L Straub Jr., P.G. and Raymond L Straub III present microscope to Stanton I.S.D. School Board.